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The Royal British Legion

The Royal British Legion
Photo By Miss KLSlomczynski

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Saturday, 22 July 2023

O! thou art the lad of my heart By William Smyth (1765 - 1849)


O! thou art the lad of my heart

Oh! Thou are the lad of my heart, Willy,
There's love and there's life and glee,
There's a cheer in thy voice, and thy bounding step,
And there's bliss in thy blithesome e'e.
But, oh, how my heart was tried, Willy,
For little I thought to see,
That the lad who won the lasses all,
Would ever be won by me.
Adown this path we came, Willy,
T'was just at this hour of eve;
And will he or will he not, I thought, 
My fluttering heart relieve?
So oft as he paused, as we saunter'd on,
T'was fear and hope and fear;
But here at the wood, as we parting stood,
T'was rapture his vows to hear!
Ah vows so soft thy vows, Willy!
Who would not, like me, be proud!
Sweet lark! with thy soaring echoing song,
Come down from thy rosy cloud.
Come down to thy nest, and tell thy mate,
But tell thy mate alone,
Thou hast seen a maid, whose heart of love,
Is merry and light as thine own.
By William Smyth (1765 - 1849) 

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