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The Royal British Legion

The Royal British Legion
Photo By Miss KLSlomczynski

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Tuesday 25 July 2023

My Anna. Air-”Bonnie Dundee” By Gall


My Anna.

Air-”Bonnie Dundee”

How sweet is the dawning of morning!

How far ilka obect that lives in the view!

Dame Nature the valley and hillock adorning;

The primrose and blue=bells yet wet with the dew.

How sweet in the morning o’ life is my Anna!

Her smilelike the sunbeam that glints o’er the lee!

To wounder and leave her, dear lassie, in canna,

Frae love and frae beauty I never can flee.

O; lang hae I lo’ed her, and fu’ dearly,

And aft hae I pree’d o’her bonnie sweet mou’;

And aft hae I read in her e’e blinkin’ clearly,

A language that bade me be constant and true!

Then others may doat on their fond war’ly treasure,

For pelf, silly pelf, they may be brave the rude sea;

To love my sweet lassie be mine the dear pleasure,

Wi’ her let me live, and wi’ her let me die!

By Gall

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