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The Royal British Legion
Photo By Miss KLSlomczynski

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Wednesday 26 July 2023

The Highland Laddie By Ramasy


The Highland Laddie

The Lawland lads think they are fine,
But O! they're vain and idly gaudy;
How much unlike the gracefu' mien
And manly looks of my Highland laddie.
O my bonnie Highland laddie,
My handsome, charming, Highland laddie;
May Heav’n still guard, and love reward,
The Lawland lass and her Highland laddie.

If I were free at will to choose,
To be the wealthiest Lawland lady,
I'd tak' young Donald without trews,
With bonnet blue, and belted plaidie.
O my bonnie, &c.

The brawest beau in Burrows- town,
In a' his airs, wi' art, made ready,
Compared wi’ him, he's but a clown,
He's finer far in 's tartan plaidie.
O my bonnie, &c.

O'er Benty- hill wi' him I'll run.
And leave my Lawland kin and daddie;
Frae winter's cauld and simmer’s sun,
He'll screen me wi' his Highland plaidie,
O my bonnie, &c.

A painted room, and silken bed,
May please a Lawland laird and lady;
But I can kiss and be as glad
Behind a bush in 's Highland plaidie.
O my bonnie, &c.

Few compliments between us pass;
I ca' him my dear Highland laddie,
And he ca's me his Lawland lass,
Syne rows me in beneath his plaidie.
O my bonnie, &c.

Nae greater joy I'll e'er pretend,
Than that his love prove true and steady,
Like mine to him, which ne'er shall end,
While heaven preserves my Highland laddie.
O my bonnie, &c.

By Ramasy

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