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The Royal British Legion

The Royal British Legion
Photo By Miss KLSlomczynski

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Tuesday 25 July 2023

Mc Pherson’s Farwell By Burns.


Mc Pherson’s Farwell

Farewell, ye dungeons dark and strong, 
The wretch's destinie! 
McPherson's time will not be long, 
On yonder gallows-tree. 
Sae rantingly, sae wantonly, 
Sae dauntingly gaed he; 
He play'd a spring,  and danc'd it round, 
Below the gallows-tree. 
Sae ranitingly, &c.

Untie these bands from off my hands, 
And bring me to my sword; 
And there's no a man in all Scotland, 
But I'll brave him at a word. 
Sae ranitingly, &c.

I've liv'd a life of sturt and strife; 
I die by treacherie: 
It burns my heart I must depart, 
And not avenged be. 
Sae ranitingly, &c.

Now farewell light, thou sunshine bright, 
And all beneath the sky! 
May coward shame distain his name, 
The wretch that dares not die! 
Sae ranitingly, &c.
By  Burns.

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