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The Royal British Legion
Photo By Miss KLSlomczynski

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Saturday 22 July 2023

25 Scottish Songs: 11 `Oh, Thou Art the Lad of My Heart, Willy` op.108/1...

Old Book unnamed re-typed from page 207-page 362

I have re-typed part of an old book that I have found. I do not know the name of the book or the author. Only pages 207-362 still remain. I hope you enjoy it.

Page(s) 207-Page 256 I believe are poem(s)

They are not all contain who they were wrote by and are not all found on line.

I have retyped them like they are printed and will try and add further information, if possible.

The names of some of the (poets) I have listed below and will include further information about each. It will come under title Further information.

Poets are listed below.


Sir A. Boswell.


T. Campbell.

C. Dibdin.



(Willison) W. Glass.


W. H. Ireland.

G. Mc Farren.

Marquis of Montrose (1640.)

(Allan) Ramsay.

Sir Walter Scott.



E. Winslow.


Further information about all poets listed above will be included in further information.

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