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The Royal British Legion

The Royal British Legion
Photo By Miss KLSlomczynski

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Monday 24 July 2023

Conquer! Or Fall Like True Highland Men.

 Conquer! Or Fall Like True Highland Men.

Air-”the Campbell’s are coming.”

Brave sons of the mointain, to battle away!

Behold, they wait us, in hanghty array!

Though our numbers be small,

We can conquer or fall,

Like true Highlanders all!

Then away! Away!

Though the path may be gor, we’ll on! We’ll on!

Since it leadeth to glory, we’ll on! We’ll on!

Bright though sabres be gleaming,

And death-shots be beaming,

And the red blood be streamin,

We’ll on! We’ll on!

Say, where is the coward, who trembles or swerves?

Let him turn, and await the base death he deserves!

As for us, or to live or die.

Ours be the battle-cry,

Vengeance and liberty!

On, then! On!

By the souls of our farrhers, who sleep in their cairns;

By their blood which is in us, our wive, and our bairns,

By all that cheer us,

The proud foe shall fear us!

As the offspring of heroes!

We’ll on! Then, on!

Then forth with your sword, and away with your sheath,

Prepare for the harvest of conquest or death!

Loud bid your pibrochs roar,

Flourish each bright claymore,

Shout for Mac Callam More!

On! On! On!

By ??

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