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The Royal British Legion

The Royal British Legion
Photo By Miss KLSlomczynski

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Saturday 22 July 2023

The lovely Lass O’ Inverness Written In 1794 By Robert Burns


The lovely Lass O’ Inverness

The lovely Lass o' Inverness,

Nae joy nor pleasure can she see;

For, e'en and morn she cries, Alas!

And aye the saut tear blins her e'e.

Drumossie moor, Drumossie day,

A waefu' day it was to me;

For there I lost my father dear,

My father dear and brethren three.

Their winding-sheet the bluidy clay,

Their graves are growin' green to see;

And by them lies the dearest lad

That ever blest a woman's e'e!

Now wae to thee, thou cruel lord,

A bludy man I trow thou be;

For mony a heart thou has made sair,

That ne'er did wrang to thine or thee!

Written In 1794 By Robert Burns

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