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The Royal British Legion

The Royal British Legion
Photo By Miss KLSlomczynski

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Monday 24 July 2023

O Gin My Love Where Yon Red Rose Air “Hughie Graham” Burns


O Gin My Love Where Yon Red Rose

Air “Hughie Graham”

O GIN my love were yon red rose

That grows upon, the castel wa’,

And I mysel’ a drap o’dew,

Into her bonnie brest to fa’!

O there, beyond expression blest,

I’d feat on beauty a’ the night;

Seal’d on her silk-saft faulds to rest

Till fley’d awa’ by Phoebus’ light.

O were my love you lilac fair,

Wi’ purple blossoms to the spring;

And I a bird, to shelter there,

When wearied on my wing:

How I wad mourn when it was torn

By autumn wild and winter rude!

But I wad sing on wanton wing,

When youthfu’ May it’s bloom renewed.

By Burns

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