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The Royal British Legion

The Royal British Legion
Photo By Miss KLSlomczynski

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Saturday 28 March 2020

Stone soup story

When I was younger I remmber being told a story called Stone Soup.

Like many things that we are taught and that we try to teach the futre generation a lot of them come from telling a story.

In many stories the lesion that are taught are how to be a good and kind person. (Alough this story also teacher deseption too.)

If you look on YouTube there are many versions of this story and it would be a good story to watch or read with your young ones.

They could then talk about it and see if they though what the soilder did was good and kind?

There are a number of questions that you could ask and ways that you could talk about this story and many others to learn things like Eithics too.

What is Eithics?

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