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Thursday 16 September 2021

September 2021 Budgeting for the rest of 2021

   September 2021 Budgeting for the rest of 2021

Right ok lets go.

The first thing that I have added or made sure works is the link to making a budgeting plan.

I know it may seam like the most easiest thing to do, yet it is something myself I personal struggle with.  

with the changes that we are all like to face over the next few months it would not hurt to think about completing one and keeping on on file.

Most of time when I do this it is an estimated figures that I use.  The fist time you do this task can be quite time consuming and taxing.  Yet it can help and it also means that if you are asked for one in the future you already have on on file. 

On the blog there will be an icon to click on I will check to make sure it works, it should also go to a secure sight.*

*Not all links go to what is called a secure sight so make sure you ani-virus  is up to date on your device you are using.

If you any any questions then please contact me.

If you are wanting to find your on budget plans template or information there are a lot of useful details on line now, also at your local library and Citizens Advice Centre.*

*Please note that a lot of line support now days wants you to fill in an on line form.  I personal would rather keep a paper copy.

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