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Wednesday 22 September 2021

Back to Home Schooling

 Back to Home Schooling 

Back to Home Schooling 

Over the last week and half we are back to home schooling our son again.  WE have done this like many patents during Covid and also due to my son have SEN.

When you chose to home school your children the minefield that you have to go though is the same one that you have to go thought if you chose to keep your child in full time education.

The only down side is time and money,  The one thing that I always said that was due to living a nomadic life style that I would home school my children.  The main reason that I did not continue with this was due to my own personal health and noticing that maybe my children need more help than I could provide.

For the past seven years i have tried to comply with the Government and keep my children in full time education and access support when need to try and help my children and provided for them.

Yet the waiting time for help from services that I wish to access is never ending with waiting times up to 3 years.

So I am asking myself why?

Why did I give up on home education, when for the past two years almost education for the future generations went down the drain and any hope for the future still seams lost?

So i am looking at home schooling again and finding out if this would be the best option for my family and my children's future?

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