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Tuesday 5 January 2021

Moving with the times 2021

 Moving with the times 2021 

5th January 2021

Today was the first day for many to home school their little ones, with the support of your child school being rolled out again on line.

What I have found is who challenging on line leaning will be especially with limited access to technology, the government seam to think that every home is equipment with the up to date technical equipment like laptops, iPhones, iPads and unlimited internet data.

I have 3 children and one very old laptop that I love due to having everything I need I only wish I had three of them.

Looking at new laptops nothing out their come close to mine when it come to storage USB ports and disk drive.

All new one seam to have less storage, no disk dive and fewer USB ports.

So I am back to square one with knowing what to buy and how to move with the times when all of my children games are in disk formate.

I personal do not want my children to be downloading any thing off line and why should I pay to download anything when I already have it to hand?

I really need help with this and would love to hear other parents think.

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