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Wednesday 24 November 2021

Should I subscribe to magazines to help me home school?

 Should I subscribe to magazines to help me home school?

When it comes to home schooling “The world can be your Oyster.”

One of the things that I would like my children to be able to do is to read.

Yet today there are so many ways that this can be achieved. One way that may help is magazines.

You can still get magazines for pretty much any thing in the world, via paper, or digital now days. So you do not always have to subscribed to a paper copy if you are looking at reducing the amount of paper work that you have around your home.

You could subscribe to a digital copy of your favourite magazine and even look them up on social media like Facebook, twitter...

So if you are looking for gifts for you children, loved ones, family and friends this years then magazine subscription may be an option.

I like using on line and buying aper copies still. If you buy paper copies you could always reuse the information time and time again, cut them up to make artwork or even sell them to make some pocket money.

So have a think about magazines and how they may help you in to home school in the future.

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