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The Royal British Legion
Photo By Miss KLSlomczynski

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Monday 15 October 2018

High frequency words

High frequency words

High frequency words are quite simply those words which 

occur most frequently in written material, for example, 

"and", "the", "as" and "it". They are often words that have 

little meaning on their own, but they do contribute a great 

deal to the meaning of a sentence.

You can do this at home by writing the word onto small 

pieces of paper yourself or you can buy the cards pre made 

and also use a “free” on line site and print them out.

I have posted three examples below.


October Break 2018

October Break 2018

Image By Miss K L Slomczynski

Since starting school in September 2018 my son had his first parents evening and is currently on his second level 1 book at school.

What I have found is that despite him being at school a lot of the leaning is still on the parent/guardian to be very involved in the three 

“R's” at home.

  1. Reading

  2. Writing

  3. arithmetic
This is why I quest myself and think that may be I should home school and save myslef the time and money it costs to take my son to school every day on public transport.

At the moment I get “free” travel for him until his fifth birthday. I will then have to start paying about £700.00 per term for bus fare and my own on top.

To be continued.

Image By Miss K L Slomczynski

Home schooling my son with Flash Cards from at aged two.

I have always found flash cards to be a good way for learning at home and is something that even the schools do too.  My son gets four words to learn and when he knows them he gets another four added to them.

Callan's Porthole April 2018 Using song "Look though my eyes" out of Bro...

These images were taken earlier in 2018 when we had the snow.

Tuesday 28 August 2018

Book(s) My Book(s) and Home Schooling information Back to School

Back to school, most people are thinking about nothing this week than "back to school" and already I have seen "Christmas" stock on the shelves in stores before "Halloween"   Life today seams to be about our next shop our next buy.  Even if it means buying things that we do not really need.  One thing that I am trying to teach my children in to "Eat to live" and not to "Live to eat" and to only buy thing when they really need to and not just because they think they need them or want them.  There is nothing wrong with a little indulgence but I do not want my children to become to commercialized.

Friday 3 August 2018

Book(s) My Book(s) and Home Schooling information Dusting off my book shelves

I have just started to dust off my book shelves and get out my collection of gardening books.  I am currently collecting my seeds from this years plants and I am looking at what cuttings that I can also take this year too.

I am using my "Collins" collection of book for reference and not the internet.  My collect is the following books.

  1. Flowers that grow, how to grow it. ISBN NUMBER 0-00-714651-5
  2. Trees and Shrubs that grow, how to grow it. ISBN NUMBER 0-00-714654-X
  3. Flowering Shrubs that grow, how to grow it.  ISBN NUMBER 0-00-714653-1
  4. Clematis and Climbers that grow, how to grow it.  ISBN NUMBER 0-00-714652-3
  5. Architectural Plants that grow, how to grow it.  ISBN NUMBER 0-00-714655-8
I still need to get.

  1. Kitchen Garden that grow, how to grow it.

Monday 30 July 2018

Book(s) My Book(s) and Home Schooling information Summer Holidays August 2018

At this moment in time it is the beginning of the summer holidays 

of 2018. The hot weather has finally broken YES!

WE are looking at arraning Blackberry Picking with the boys this

week and I can not wait!

I am also getting my oldest ready for school for September 2018. 

WE are still going to home school him and see how school goes.

If we are finding that school dose not suit our way of life then we 

will home school full time.

The first thing that we are to do with him his to create a “memory 

box” that his will have to take into school. This is so that the my 

son and the other children can learn “social interaction skills”, 

“communicational skills” and hopefully be able to find people in 

their class that they may have things in common with. This will 

hopefully enable them to form friendships and also help the teach 

to asses what KS Level my son is at.

We are still working on getting him to write his own name and the 

alphabet, numbers are not really an issue at the moment so I will 

see where he his by January 2019.

I would love to hear of any project that your children may be up to 

over the summer holidays or have been given by their schools.

What are Key Stage levels (KS levels?)

Developmental Information

What are Key Skills (KS?)

The Key Skills Qualification is a frequently required component of 14-20 education in England, Northern Ireland and Wales. The aim of Key Skills is to encourage learners to develop and demonstrate their skills as well as learn how to select and apply skills in ways that are appropriate to their particular context.

Sunday 15 July 2018

Book(s) My Book(s) and Home Schooling information Summer Holidays!

For my children the Summer holidays have arrived, but this dose not mean that their education will stop.

Over the ;last couple of weeks and the weeks to come my children will become "Green fingered".  Both have been helping out in the garden learning how to care for the local wildlife.

We will soon be collecting seasonal berries and nuts when we go on our wildlife walks.  We only pick what we know is safe.  If you do not know what it is do not pick it!


Saturday 26 May 2018

Book(s) My Book(s) and Home Schooling information May Bank Holiday

How that the May Bank Holiday is finally here may parents by now would have some idea of what they educational future will be for there little ones. For me my oldest son will be going to School in September and my youngest will attend nursery.

This dose not mean that we will stop home schooling our children and will continue to do so when we are not working.  WE want our children to have an enriched life and to learn many things, epically things that they do not learn in school.

By the age of five we have tried to set some goals for our children that we hope that they can reach.

To write their own name
Count to 20
Know the Alphabet
Personal Hygiene (toilet trained)
Can dress themselves
Know they address and how to get home on public transport
Know one emergency contact number.

On Facebook we have joined some groups that I have found useful to help and support parents and also some local community groups in the areas we live and visit.

I hope that the updates that I have made to this blog are helpful, I will updating all my blogs and this one at lest the month.

Please feel free to follow me and to give feed back.

Happy Holidays.

Tuesday 27 March 2018

Book(s) My Book(s) and Home Schooling information Miss Katrina L Slomczynski "Happy Easter 2017/2018"

Book(s) My Book(s) and Home Schooling information Happy Easter 2018

Happy Easter 2018 from My Books

Photo By KABFA Designs

With Easter just under 4 days away we would like to take this time to remind our customers that it is not to late to buy something other an Easter Eggs.

Whether you are buying for your self of a loved one please click on the links below to buy; you can even contact use direct on 07730784247 for more details.

For more information please contact use direct by phone or by email 

Mr Alan Baxter 07703784247

Please note that some of your prices may increases after April 2018.

Photo By KABFA Designs

Sunday 18 March 2018

Book(s) My Book(s) and Home Schooling information Good Read Challenge for 2018

This year I have set myself a challenge to read 100 books this year.

I am also going to list all of the book s that I have at home on my Good read profile.

This is something that I have been aiming to do for some time time and have just not got around to it.

So today I am aiming to list all of the books that I have down stairs.

I am also aiming to donate a few of the books that I no longer want so please keep an eye out for them and add them to my list(s) once to have read them.

You can do this a number of ways by following the links below.

For more information please contact me

Monday 29 January 2018

Book(s) My Book(s) and Home Schooling information Sport Memrobilior for sale

Sport Memrobilior for sale please follow links below.

Book(s) My Book(s) and Home Schooling information Dunlop Aviation Items for sale.

Dunlop Aviation Items for sale, please follow links below.

Book(s) My Book(s) and Home Schooling information WWII memorabilia for sale

War memorabilia  for sale, we have been clearing out and have come across some War memorabilia most is from WWII.

Please follow the links below for more information.

Book(s) My Book(s) and Home Schooling information DIY Products for sale 2018

WE have some item that would be ideal for any DIY project that you may be looking at for 2018, please follow the links below.

Book(s) My Book(s) and Home Schooling information Canal Narrowboat Items for sale 2018

This year we are looking at make more items fro the narrowboat way of life since we have a narrowboat ourselves, we feel that we know the types of items that make living on the water ways more manageable.

Please follow the links below.

Book(s) My Book(s) and Home Schooling information New for 2018 Hand made Wooden Items.

This year we are branching out into making and selling Hand made items, made from local wood and other material(s)

On eBay we currently have the following items listed, please follow the link below for other items that we have for sale.