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The Royal British Legion
Photo By Miss KLSlomczynski

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Tuesday 26 April 2022

26th April 2022


This year so far is not how I planed it to be.

I am still homing schooling my son and will be reapplying for his DLA for the next 12 months that is now turned into PIP.

I am still not happy now we are still in the waiting list to get a dull assessment for his SEN needs to be confirmed and that the school refused and ELP for him.

Home schooling is very changing due to it to always being one to one.  I know that this is what my son needs and yet my other children need mum too.

The one good thing is that my children are learning all the time and now I know what it is they are learning and it is not behind closed doors.

I finally have all of his school work and I am not happy with the way the school tried to hide his progression from me and the issues that they were facing that meant that his needs where not being fully met.

This also means that he was not meeting his full potential.

I am aiming to turn this around with in the next 6-12 months.

Monday 4 April 2022


Please click on the above link to be transported to WattPad.  Where my new book that I am working on for 2022 can be found.