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Wednesday 1 December 2021

De-Schooling my son again

 De-Schooling my son again

After trying to give my son the best state education that I can where I live and to try and get an EHCP in place for him I have gone back to home schooling again!


An EHCP outlines any special educational needs that your child has. It also covers the support your local authority must put in place to help your child: The EHCP is a legal document. That means your local authority has a legal obligation to provide the support in the plan.

So my aim now is to apply for one direct and to cut out the school direct.

For six years I have tried to get my son the support I feel that he need but with covid and budget cuts I have been unable to archive this.

So I have chosen to put his health and wellbeing first and have stated to home school him again.

That way I can give him the one to one support I feel that he needs at this moment in time in his life and focus on his strengths and work ion his weakness.

At the moment my sons main weakness is manual dexterity.*

*skill in performing tasks, especially with the hands.

So this is a skill I believe needs working on the most before any thing else can be achieved well.

My son is also left hand and due to this a few things need to altered to help him, today you can get things like left handed scissors.

Again I feel that in main stream school these needs where not met and that equipment was not provide for my sons needs due to being left handed.

So I will look at how I can help him improve his manual dexterity at home.

Just like learning to use any part for your body at times you may need help and the right tools to achieve this.

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