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The Royal British Legion

The Royal British Legion
Photo By Miss KLSlomczynski

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21st May 2021

I know that I have not updated this blog for a while this is some thing that I am looking at achiving over the next coupple of weeks.

I wil make sure that all of the links work and that all of teh information is update.

This blog was was set up to get out helpfull information and advise for parents who are looking at homeschooling their children.

During loack down this was something that every one with children end up doing either on a full time or part time basis.

What I have found fopr myslef is that personal that home schooling my children was a really challenge even with all of the usefukl on line information that was avilable.

One of teh main reasons for this was durew to the lack of laptops in the family home  poor internet conection.

So Although online studying can be very helpful in the 21st Centry.

Nothing still beats hands on and a pen and papper too.

So please beare with me and I will update the information.

You can also subscribe via email to be kept up to date and also use the liks on socail media to do so.

Thank you and enjoy.