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The Royal British Legion
Photo By Miss KLSlomczynski

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Tuesday 15 September 2020

The Future!

 Now that children have returned to education we all need to start looking to the future and see where the rest of 2020 takes us.

We can all only achove this by using baby steps and changes in the way that we all lead your own personal lives.

One thing that Ihave found personal upseating is how 2019 was all about save the world and Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.

Now 2020 is the oposit and I am worried about what mesage we are sending the futire generation now that we have become a throw away species again and have only really looked at puting our own personal safety first inorder to stay a live.

One positve thing that we have all learned to do is to live with one and other and to find surpport networks, thought our family, friends, comunity and work.

Many of us have used this time to learn new skills, to work from home and to become more family oriantated and not be runing aroung 24/7 and having to catch the 5.15 train to work or working late at

But we all know that it was a rollercoster amd the journey is still on going with many faing loss or loved ones nad not being able to fully grive.

Now that your children are back in education even if it is hime scholing still and not state or private education I hope that their future can continue and that more positive changes can be made in the time to come.

I whish every one all the best and a bright and posive future.

Wednesday(s) what is new?

 Wednesday(s) what is new?

So what I am aiming to do from the 1st October 2020 is start to update our blog once a month on the first Wednesday of every months.

So please remember to follow use and to subscribe to or blog and Facebook book page to be kept up to date with our new products that we have of sale.

until then I will look at updating and changing inforamtion.

If you have any questions or would like to comment then please do so.

Also please do not forget to subscribe.  

Thank you.