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The Royal British Legion

The Royal British Legion
Photo By Miss KLSlomczynski

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Friday 21 February 2020

Book(s) My Book(s) and Home Schooling My sons reading at home and what he is reading at the moment.

Callan's Porthole "My window into life on the WaterWays"  February Break, is almost to an end and we have not really done much with the boys due to the current out break of the Coronavirus that we have in the UK.

WE have chose to keep the boys at home and to focus on home activities and home work, including reading and writing mainly.  We have been reading "The BFG", and watching the movie so that Callan can compare the two and find out more about how film adaptations can change once the words of a story come to life.

I am looking at doing the Good Read, Reading Challenge with the boys again this year.  The aim is to read at lest 1 book per term from cover to back on their own.

At the moment Callan is achieving this and even taken over the bed time reading to his brother and helpping out with flash cards.

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