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The Royal British Legion
Photo By Miss KLSlomczynski

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Friday 19 July 2019

Book(s) My Book(s) and Home Schooling information Week one of the summer holidays 2019

Week one is finally over with a lot of ups and downs.  I have used this first week to apply a new routine for my children since they will both be at school in September 2019.

We have a new start chart that they helped to design, so that they can both learn to be "school ready" and learn some new skills and earn day trips during the summer.

I would like to say so far so good, but sadly the one ting that we are still; have issues with in Listening.  It seams to be the one skill that my children are struggling to matter the ability to listen and follow instructions when asked to do so.

The other is bed time most people I know say "my children are in bed by six."  I would love to take a leaf out of their books on tis one, mine have never slept though and always wake up in the night so please someone pleaser help me.

WE have looked to a few other things and \I will post  about this later on in the summer holidays

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