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The Royal British Legion

The Royal British Legion
Photo By Miss KLSlomczynski

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Saturday, 27 April 2019

"Wear Purple and a Red Hat" Ladies Tea and Chat Poetry, Book and Art Group

Warning, a poem by Jenny Joseph, I have always loved. I heard about the Red Hat Society when on the train once. So now I am setting up my own Ladies group in the Midlands, so that women can meet up once a month. Each month..

I have added the links to other Facebook pages and groups that you may find interesting and may wish to follow or join.

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Fans of Travel Books, Books and Good Read Books

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Jenny Joseph reads her poem 'Warning'

Thursday, 18 April 2019

Happy Easter 2019

Happy Easter 2019

Over the Easter Holidays we are updating or blog and adding new information for our followers.  Please do not forget to subscribe via email for get up dates.

Happy Easter.

K & L Swan Handmade Gift Baskets

Tuesday, 9 April 2019


For me the rainbow never ends, this is because you are aways looking for that "pot of gold" just like the story with the dog and the bone. The one where he see his reflection in the water and thinks that it is a dog with a bigger bone and ends up loesing  the bone he already had.  All because he was hoping to get a bone that was bigger and better.

BUT when I stop and look at the rainbow and do not worry about the ending but what it would be like to actually bath in it colours and beauty

I am happy.  Even if it is for a brief moment.  After all rainbows can be gone in a blink of an eye.

So can any thing in life including your life it's self.

So today I am chilling put with my soon and reading.  I love to read aloud when I am with my children espically my youngest.

I find this difficult to do due to having dyslexia. Yet a love to read and write.

It is just that it takes me along time and people have to proffread  my writhing.

So sorry about the spelling and grammar of my blog(s).