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The Royal British Legion

The Royal British Legion
Photo By Miss KLSlomczynski

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Sunday 14 February 2016

Book Review:Women Who Run With The Wolves

Women Who Run With The Wolves: Contacting the Power..., Estes, Clarissa Pink.

I have this book for sale a classic addition on Amazon the book retails at £9.09p
Like any book that I own it as been read at some point by the owner and this previous owner highlighted parts of the book which were personal to her. 


If you are looking at buying this book, please click on the link below.


Time to say goopd bye.

This week I have been going though all iof my belongings again and have now desided to get rid of some of my books  that I have had stored for a number of years and no longer use.  Those that are behold disrepair and damaged I will use as "winter fuel"  or upcylce into art work. 

I will be putting them on line sometime this week.