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The Royal British Legion

The Royal British Legion
Photo By Miss KLSlomczynski

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Sunday 9 October 2016

October 2016.

Over the past couple of weeks I have been aiming to complete at lest an hour per day on my book "Pure Light."  At times this as been quite a challenge due to taking care of my two small children who seem to be awake 247.

But I have gone back to the drawing board again with my book and I am still editing the first chapter and trying to work on the dialog between the charters, this is something that I have always found quite challenging.

I have all been doing more research on South Africa which is were I would like the book to be set; I have managed to find out some very intresting  places and things about the country that I am hopefully going to be able to add to my book which is fiction.

Although my book is fictional I have added a few places that are real and charities that  I shall also be including in my book.

Since tiding up my belongings this week I did come across two book that I rembered reading many years ago and would like to recommend to people to read.

I am mentioning  them because they cover what it is like to live in Somalia and about a women who is a UN Ambassador.  She also helped to set up "The Campaign of Eliminate FGM" (Female Genital Mutilation).

the books are

"Desert Dawn" By Waris Dirie and Jeanne d'haem
"Desert Flower" By Waris Dirie

Friday 30 September 2016

My book October 2016

It is October 2016 soon and I still have not finished my book "Pure Light.", I am currently on track again and have allowed my self an hour per day to "Rip it a part" and see how things could be better with the help of my friends and family how have proff read it for me.

I am aimming to have an other proof for them to read by January 2017 and have it published by January 2018.

I am looking at self publishing still and may also send it out to a publisher and see what they have to say about it.

I am also working on "Pure Sword", "Gaces Chose" and manly more book I hope will follow in the futre.

Sunday 14 February 2016

Book Review:Women Who Run With The Wolves

Women Who Run With The Wolves: Contacting the Power..., Estes, Clarissa Pink.

I have this book for sale a classic addition on Amazon the book retails at £9.09p
Like any book that I own it as been read at some point by the owner and this previous owner highlighted parts of the book which were personal to her. 


If you are looking at buying this book, please click on the link below.


Time to say goopd bye.

This week I have been going though all iof my belongings again and have now desided to get rid of some of my books  that I have had stored for a number of years and no longer use.  Those that are behold disrepair and damaged I will use as "winter fuel"  or upcylce into art work. 

I will be putting them on line sometime this week.

Wednesday 20 January 2016


Anyone wanting to donate any unwanted books, I would be happy to receive them.  What I would be looking at doing with them is, sharing them out around local Early Years Centers and Community Centers for people to enjoy.

For more information please contact me.

Plans for 2016

This year I am aim to be overoptimistic and save £100,00.  One of the ways that I am looking at achiving this is by aming to set up my own on line blog about looking into setting up a bussiness in buying and selling antique books and other literacy related items.

The thought came to me, whilts on my way home, whar do people always do?


So this is my plan for the year.

Wish me luck!

Monday 18 January 2016

“Second star to the right and straight on 'til morning. ” ― J.M. Barrie, Peter Pan

“Second star to the right and straight on 'til morning. ” J.M. Barrie, Peter Pan

Where is the statue of Peter Pan in London?
The Peter Pan statue is located in Kensington Gardens to the west of the Long Water. The creator of Peter Pan, J.M. Barrie, commissioned Sir George Frampton to build the statue in 1902. It was erected in Kensington Gardens in 1912.
This is why, even though I will always love  Peter Pan; it makes me said too.  This book was gifted to Great Ormand Street Hospital and to day they appear to still get Royalties and this is why.

I use to have a lovely copy of Peter Pan in my childhood, but lost it.  I now have both Peter Pan and Peter Pan in Scarlet (some where)

Q&A about Peter Pan.

Why is a Raven is like a writing desk?

Carroll's answer to why a raven is like a writing desk? "Because it can produce a few notes, tho they are very flat; and it is never put with the wrong end in front!" I'm sure your thighs are now sore from the repeated slapping they took after you read that line.

I love Alice in wounder land and Alice through the looking glass by Lewis Carol.  This is a book from my childhood and one that I still have a copy of today. 

The British Library London