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The Royal British Legion
Photo By Miss KLSlomczynski

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Sunday 9 October 2016

October 2016.

Over the past couple of weeks I have been aiming to complete at lest an hour per day on my book "Pure Light."  At times this as been quite a challenge due to taking care of my two small children who seem to be awake 247.

But I have gone back to the drawing board again with my book and I am still editing the first chapter and trying to work on the dialog between the charters, this is something that I have always found quite challenging.

I have all been doing more research on South Africa which is were I would like the book to be set; I have managed to find out some very intresting  places and things about the country that I am hopefully going to be able to add to my book which is fiction.

Although my book is fictional I have added a few places that are real and charities that  I shall also be including in my book.

Since tiding up my belongings this week I did come across two book that I rembered reading many years ago and would like to recommend to people to read.

I am mentioning  them because they cover what it is like to live in Somalia and about a women who is a UN Ambassador.  She also helped to set up "The Campaign of Eliminate FGM" (Female Genital Mutilation).

the books are

"Desert Dawn" By Waris Dirie and Jeanne d'haem
"Desert Flower" By Waris Dirie